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Her Mission Call

Nat got called to serve as a sister missionary in the Santo Domingo West Dominican Republic Mission. Follow her as she journeys to serve the Lord in the Dominican Republic for 18 months.


Mission Purpose

Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.

Book of Mormon

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See what Nat sees. In her journeys to fulfill the Lord's Will.

Sister Missionaries

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Monday, September 1, 2014

You Can't LIFT Anyone Higher Than You Can LIFT Yourself

YOU have to learn to be ALONE in a crowd. YOU have to have such CONTROL.

President Boyd K. Packer's talk "Twenty Mark Note," tied my life together this week. Heavenly Father is the All-knowing, All-powerful, who is in the very details of our lives.

I got to give a talk on Sunday, I chose a talk from last General Conference to base my talk off of. "The Prophet Joseph Smith" by Elder Corbridge. It's really his simple testimony and facts on the Restoration of the Gospel. I really tried to apply what President Boyd K. Packer explains in his talk..."Our lives are guided. If [we] understand that and understand what life is about, [we] will understand really all you need to know about life as members of the Church. [We] will understand how our lives are really not our own. They are governed—and if we live as we should live, then we will be taken care of." As I let Heavenly Father teach me and talk through me during that talk. I felt and remembered my entire conversion until this point in my life and I felt great joy as I saw everyone testify at the same time as I felt their spirit. I knew Heavenly Father was there with us. It was really perfect was we got 4 less active families to come back to church.

As I reflect on my past week, I can really see that as we planned and were obedient, our plans changed. AND I THANK GOD FOR THAT! We taught what Heavenly Father wanted us to and found those who we least expected needed us this week.

We found this man (he works as a "concho", men who sit in corners and give rides to be to get to destinations...nothing like it at home) they tend to cat call at us all the time, we decided to stop this time and we ended up finding out that one of these men's wife had just passed away and so when he got to hear that he could live with her again with his son, he invited us over and commited to going to church...and Endless opportunities more.

We have to learn to be ALONE in a crowd. We have to have such CONTROL. We are to let the Spirit guide you. "The promise from the Lord is that when you receive the Holy Ghost, “he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26)." It isn't easy but very possible. Have a constant prayer in heart as there are countless distractions. Especially here, Dominicans are very happy people and have music playing all the time...

I love you all. Have an amazing week. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PRAYERS.


Hermana Fernandez

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